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We deliver only quality products that meet customer expectations. Our quality control team closely checks and verifies every step to ensure quality of every product before delivery.

Product Inventory

SupertechSales Corporation is truly your one-stop solution for all your material handling and other industrial products. We are the premier distributor and retailer of branded and leading companies.

Fast Delivery

Supertech is very punctual  to deliver all of the products to our customers on time. Our logistic team is very faithful and punctual. We can assure you to deliver the products in every part of India.

After Sales Service

Product selling and delivery is not our single target in the market. We are providing the best after sale services to every customer. Our team is always ready to serve you with the best after sale services.

Regular Updates

Technology never ends. It launches the latest products in the market everyday. Be in touch with us to get daily updates and our newsletter regarding new products and offers.

Dedicated Customer Care

Every customer is precious to us. Our customer care team is always at your services to resolve your every queries. Feel free to contact our customer care numbers and email address.


24-36V Curtis DC Motor Controller- 1243C-4381

24-36V Curtis DC Motor Controller- 1243C-4381

Check Our Latest Reviews.

Lalit Bhaman
Lalit Bhaman
24 May 2023
Very nice service 👍
Manish Sharma
Manish Sharma
23 May 2023
Quality products
ajit singh
ajit singh
23 May 2023
Good service...Rajinder Sharma is very co-operative person
Pushpa Singh
Pushpa Singh
4 September 2022
BizBein Innovations
BizBein Innovations
20 May 2022
Great Person Mr Rajiv Ji, highly recommended for industrial machineries.
Shivram Kashyap
Shivram Kashyap
8 July 2020

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